The School City of Hobart Community will foster intellectual curiosity, natural abilities, critical thinking, and literacy in students while developing respectful and responsible citizens who are excited about the challenges of tomorrow, confident in their ability to chart the future, and dedicated to the pursuit of lifelong learning.
Our Schools Equip Children for Adulthood
Our Schools Address the Needs of Individual Students
Our Schools Are Community Schools
Our Schools Are Committed to Success

The Indiana Department of Education has identified a great need for more rigorous and engaging STEM Education. STEM certified schools serve as models for Indiana and their commitment to teaching the STEM disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math - untimately preparing studetns for success in the 21st century!
In Indiana, there are only 60 schools who have received the distinction of being recognized as entirely STEM certitied through the Department of Education.
The School City of Hobart is proud to have ALL 6 of our schools STEM certified which means that 1/10 of all schools certified in the state of Indiana are in the School City of Hobart!
Schools are chosen to receive certification based on their commitment to teaching the STEM disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and math throughout the entire school. STEM Certified Schools exemplify a highly non-traditional approach to education, employing a great deal of inquiry, project-based learning, community engagement, entrepreneurship, student-centered classrooms, integration into humanities and related arts, and out of school STEM activities.

Use the anonymous tipline to report bullying, intimidation, harassment, weapons, drugs, dating violence and more in 3 easy ways.
Call 219-942-TIPS, visit our website at or students can access the app on their Chromebook, iPhone, or Android
by entering the code "HobartBrickies" or search for "Hobart." All tips are anonymous!
For emergencies, please call 911.

State of Indiana Gateway Online Dashboard
The School City of Hobart does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, sex, color, national origin, religion, age,
sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information, or disability, including limited English proficiency.